Saturday, January 27, 2007
Atropine Sulphate Injection

1. Uses
To stop the slowing of the heart as a result of an inadequate blood supply to the heart (heart attack) or the effect of beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs (beta blockers). Atropine is also used to reduce secretions from the lung during general anaesthesia.

2. Warnings
Tell your doctor if you have prostate trouble (often shown by difficulty passing water, especially in elderly men), glaucoma (increased pressure in the eye) or paralytic ileus before an injection of atropine sulphate is given.

You should tell your doctor if you have a fever, duodenal ulcer, reflux with heartburn, ulcerative colitis or any heart disorder as extra care will be needed when atropine sulphate is isued.

Tell your doctor if you have pregnant or breast feeding before being atropine sulphate injection.

Atropine sulphate may enhance the side effects of drugs that have similiar action. Always tell your doctor of any medication you are on, particullary if you have taken antihistamines, cough or cold remedies, tranquilliser, antidepressants, metoclopramide, or amantidine. If you unsure consult your dovtor.

Atropine sulphatemay effect your vision and couse drowsiness. If you feel drowsy or your vision is blurred you should not drive or operate machinery.

Your doctor will administer atropine sulphate injection either into a muscle (intramuscular-IM), into a vien (intravenous-IV) or under the surface of the skin (subcutaneous-SC).

3. Dose
a. Adult (including the elderly)
As treatment for the slowing of the heart, IV or SC 100 micrograms in stepwise doses.
As premedication 300-600 micrograms IV immediately before the anaesthetic or 300-600 micrograms IM or SC 30 minutes before anaesthetic.

b. Children
As a premedication (given 30 minutes before the anaesthetic).
Premature infants : Up to 60 micrograms by the SC route.
Full term Infants : Up to 100 micrograms by the SC route.
Infants 6-12 month : Up to 200 micrograms by the SC route.
Older Children : Up to 20 micrograms per Kg of body wieght by the IM route.

The symptoms of possible overdose include excitement, delirium, enlarged pupils, rapid pulse, hot flushes, reddened skin, a dry mouth and thirst. If you experience any of these let your doctor know immediately so that he can assess the situation and take suitable action.

References :
Patient Information Leaflets by Martindale Pharmaceuticale.
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